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Call for Expressions of Interest for Research Positions at Politecnico di Milano, Italy

We are looking for expressions of interest for full time positions (Research Assistant, Ph.D. Student and Research Associate) at Politecnico di Milano – Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, in the fields of compiler construction, parallel programming languages design and implementation, autotuning, optimisation and design space exploration, embedded systems design (including IoT and Cyber Physical Systems), operating systems for multi/many core architectures, EDA tools for Thermal-power-performance simulation and verification, design of multi-core architectures exploiting Networks on Chip (NoC).

Research topics

Available research topics include:


The following types of positions are considered:

  1. Research Assistant. This position (“Assegno di ricerca”, research grant) is typically awarded to MS graduates. Tasks include development of software suites as well as collaboration to research activities. The position is typically for one year, after which enrollment in the Doctoral program is considered.
  2. Ph.D. Student (Doctoral Program in Information Technology). This position can be awarded to MS graduates. Tasks include development of a major research line, and possibly secondary research activities. Highly specialized courses are offered. Admissions are considered once a year (deadline for application is May 29, 2015), and the duration is three years.
  3. Research Associate. Post-doctoral position (“Assegno di ricerca”, research grant), with significant margins of scientific autonomy. Tasks include supervising Master's thesis works, establishing and developing new research directions, and responsibility of tasks with funded research projects, as well as lead development of software suites. The position is for typically for one or two years, renewable.

All the above-mentioned positions are awarded through a public competitive evaluation process.

Host team and institution

Politecnico di Milano is the top technology university in Italy according to the QS ranking for 2014, both overall and for Computer Science (for which it ranks 9th in the EU and 48th worldwide). The Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB) is one of the largest ICT departments in Europe, with over 245 permanent staff members, around 250 Ph.D. students, and over 180 Research Assistants and Associates.

The DEIB High Performance and Embedded Architectures and Compilers Laboratory is composed of 8 staff members (Associate and Assistant Professors) and 14 research associates, assistants and Ph.D. students. It is active in research on embedded systems, design methodologies, compiler construction, cryptography and computer security. Members of the team are active members of the HiPEAC network and are regularly featured among the awardees of the HiPEAC Paper Award, as well as participating to the organization of the PARMA-DITAM and CS2 workshops colocated with the HiPEAC Conference. Currently, they are active within three funded research projects (FP7 HARPA, FP7 CONTREX, and EIT P3S), with two more projects (H2020 FET-HPC ANTAREX and MANGO) starting in Q3 2015.

Key People