Nella lezione del 17/12 abbiamo visto gli ultimi due argomenti del corso, tabelle di hash e codifica di Huffman.
Per quanto riguarda le tabelle di hash, abbiamo visto le principali strutture (chaining e open addressing) e funzioni di hash (resto della divisione e metodo moltiplicativo).
Huffman code
from treeh import BinNode, IntlNode, LeafNode, preorder, postorder def Huffman(chars, freq): Q = zip(freq,chars) Q.sort() while len(Q)>1 : print Q cx,x=Q.pop(0) cy,y=Q.pop(0) if not issubclass(type(x),BinNode) : x=LeafNode((cx,x)) if not issubclass(type(y),BinNode) : y=LeafNode((cy,y))[0][0],[1]+'+'[1] z=IntlNode(data,y,x) Q.append((cx+cy,z)) Q.sort() return Q.pop(0) def action(n): '''Prints the tree in Graphviz DOT language ''' print id(n), '[ label="',, '"];' try : x = `id(n)`+' -> '+`id(n.left)`+';' except AttributeError, e : pass try : x = `id(n)`+' -> '+`id(n.right)`+';' except AttributeError, e : pass if __name__ == '__main__' : C=[ 'z', 'k', 'f', 'c', 'u', 'd', 'l', 'e' ] f=[ 2, 7 , 24, 32, 37, 42, 42, 120 ] T=Huffman(C,f) postorder(T,action)
Tree implementation
#!/usr/bin/python class BinNode(object): def __init__(self,content=None): self.left=None self.right=None def __getitem__(self,side): if side in [ 0, 'left', 'l' ] : return self.left elif side in [ 1, 'right', 'r' ] : return self.right raise KeyError, side def __setitem__(self,side,item): if not isinstance(item,BinNode) : raise TypeError, item if side in [ 0, 'left', 'l' ] : self.left = item elif side in [ 1, 'right', 'r' ] : self.right = item else : raise KeyError, side def isLeaf(self): return self.left and self.right class LeafNode(BinNode): def __init__(self,content): #if not isinstance(content,int) : # raise TypeError, 'LeafNode accepts only integers' def __getitem__(self,side): raise TypeError, 'No children in leaf nodes!' def __setitem__(self,side,child): raise TypeError, 'No children in leaf nodes!' def isLeaf(self): return True class IntlNode(BinNode): def __init__(self,content,left=None,right=None): #if content not in [ '*', '+', '-', '/' ] : # raise TypeError, 'IntlNode accepts only arithmetic operators as strings' BinNode.__init__(self,content) self.left=left self.right=right def isLeaf(self): return False def preorder(node,action,direction=['l','r']): '''Preorder, defaults to left to right; action must be a function specific for the elements''' action(node) if not node.isLeaf() : preorder(node[direction[0]],action,direction) preorder(node[direction[1]],action,direction) def postorder(node,action,direction=['l','r']): '''Preorder, defaults to left to right; action must be a function specific for the elements''' if not node.isLeaf() : preorder(node[direction[0]],action,direction) preorder(node[direction[1]],action,direction) action(node) def inorder(node,action,direction=['l','r']): '''Preorder, defaults to left to right; action must be a function specific for the elements''' if node.isLeaf() : action(node) return else : inorder(node[direction[0]],action,direction) action(node) inorder(node[direction[1]],action,direction) if __name__ == '__main__' : def action(node): print, root = IntlNode('*') root['l'] = IntlNode('+') root['r'] = IntlNode('/') root['r']['r'] = LeafNode(2) root['r']['l'] = LeafNode(3) root['l']['r'] = LeafNode(4) root['l']['l'] = LeafNode(5) preorder(root,action) print '' inorder(root,action) print '' postorder(root,action)
{{teaching:info3:huffman.tgz}|Qui}} trovate i file sorgenti con il codice relativo alla codifica di Huffman.