Table of Contents

Code Optimization and Transformation

In modern computer science and engineering, code transformation techniques are critical to achieve the combined goals of combining programmer productivity and program execution efficiency in terms of time and energy. Yet, it is a skill mastered by few – there are less than 1.5 compiler construction expert for every 1000 software engineers, but almost 2 jobs in compilers for every 100 in software engineering!

The course is designed to provide an overview of code transformation, analysis and optimization techniques needed to effectively produce optimized code.

To compiler and EDA tool engineers, the course provides the basic tools to design and implement compilers and other code transformation and analysis tools, as well as an introduction to the most popular modern compiler framework, LLVM.

To software engineers, the course provides a grounding in system software design and development, as well as insights on the benefits and limitations of automation in software engineering. Moreover, as a compiler is a paramount of complex software systems, it provides a hands-on introduction to the design and implementation process for such systems. Finally, many advanced software engineering techniques such as program slicing are implemented on top of algorithms used in compiler construction.

To computer architects and embedded software engineers, the course provides crucial insights on the power and limits of compiler optimization, as well as to the need any processor architecture has of appropriate compilers.

To all computer science students, the course provides a “behind the scenes” view of the operation of software, and its automated manipulation – understanding compilers means being able to write better, more efficient code.

Learning Goals

Slide seminario su Linker


Room Date Topic
D26 08/03/2016 Introduction to compiler construction
D01 10/03/2016 Intermediate Representations
D26 15/03/2016 Code Generation, Data Layout in Memory
D01 17/03/2016 Lab: Front-end (here is the lab material)
D26 22/03/2016 Dataflow Analysis
D01 24/03/2016 Lab: Intermediate Representation
D26 29/03/2016 Register Allocation
D01 31/03/2016 Lab: Intermediate Representation
D26 05/04/2016 Instruction Scheduling
D01 07/04/2016 Lab: Lowering
D26 12/04/2016 Introduction to LLVM, part 1
D26 19/04/2016 Introduction to LLVM, part 2
Sala Seminari DEIB 21/04/2016 Italian LLVM Meeting
D26 03/05/2016 The Linker
D01 05/05/2016 Lab: Lowering
D26 10/05/2016 Introduction to LLVM, part 3
D01 12/05/2016 Lab: Lowering
D26 17/05/2016 Lab: Lowering
D01 19/05/2016 Lab: Data Layout
D26 24/05/2016 Compiler Techniques for Security
D01 26/05/2016 Lab: Data Layout
D26 31/05/2016 Lab: Register Allocation
D26 07/06/2016 Lab: Register Allocation
D01 09/06/2016 Lab: Code Generation
Aula Alario (building 21 - 4th floor 14/06/2016 Seminar
D01 16/06/2016 Lab: Wrapping it up
D26 21/06/2016 Lab: Wrapping it up


Introduction to Compiler Construction

Intermediate Representations

Semantic Analysis & Type Checking

Code Generation

Dataflow Optimization

Register Allocation

Parallelization and other optimization techniques

Advanced Topics


Evaluation is performed through a combination of oral exam and project work. The oral exam consists of a discussion of the topics covered in the course.

The project work can be taken in groups of one to three students, and in the following two modes:

An independent project activity, consisting in the implementation of an optimization or analysis pass in the LLVM compiler framework (suggested only for students with previous experience in C/C++);

Projects for 2018

A supervised project activity (21-28 hours), consisting in the implementation of a compiler for a toy language targeting the ARM assembly language. The sessions will be organized as follows:


Compiler Construction

LLVM: A Compilation Framework for Lifelong Program Analysis & Transformation, by C. Lattner and V. Adve.

Intermediate Representations

The Program Dependence Graph and Its Use in Optimization, by J. Ferrante et al.

The Basic SUIF Programming Guide, by G. Aigner et al. Alias Analyis

Interprocedural pointer alias analysis, by M. Hind et. al.

Register Allocation

Linear Scan Register Allocation, by M. Poletto and V. Sarkar.


Compiler Transformations for High-Performance Computing, by D. Bacon et al.

Cache Optimization

A Retrospective: A Data Locality Optimizing Algorithm, by M. S. Lam.

Garbage Collection

Uniprocessor Garbage Collection Techniques: a complete survey of Garbage Collection by P. Wilson.