Progetti di Laboratorio Software

Questa pagina contiene un elenco di progetti per il corso di Laboratorio Software costantemente aggiornato.

Qui trovate anche una lista sintetica dei vari progetti proposti direttamente da me (eventualmente in collaborazione con altri docenti e dottorandi).

Per progetti nell'ambito della Robotica e dell'Intelligenza Artificiale, consultate il sito del gruppo AIR.

Lista sintetica

Questa lista contiene una sintesi dei progetti disponibili quest'anno (su richiesta, potrebbere essere ancora disponibili i progetti dello scorso anno).

Project Field Tutor
OpenMP and OpenCL benchmark suites Parallel Programming Giovanni Agosta
Dynamic Wrapper for Call Interception Operating Systems Alessandro Barenghi
OpenOffice Reporting/Accounting Tool Office automation Giovanni Agosta
Static Code Analysis for Vulnerability Identification Security Giovanni Agosta, Alessandro Barenghi
Reconfiguration 4 Reliability FPGA design Antonio Miele
Fault Injection and Analysis Framework for FPGA design FPGA design Antonio Miele
Reliability-driven System-level Synthesis for Embedded Systems HW/SW co-design Antonio Miele
A Data personalization Framework based on Context-aware Preferences DB systems Antonio Miele
Asynchronous Delegates in ILDJIT ILDJIT Simone Campanoni
SAT on CUDA CUDA Giovanni Agosta, Alessandro Barenghi,Gerardo Pelosi
Bioinformatics Bio Marco Masseroli
Development of C# Testbench Server Applications Giovanni Agosta, Danilo Ardagna, Simone Campanoni
GPU-based cryptography GPGPU Giovanni Agosta, Danilo Ardagna, Alessandro Barenghi
ILDJIT Internal Calls .Net Simone Campanoni, Giovanni Agosta
Download dati da log GPS Ivan Rech
Sistemi di Comunicazione per Disabili Prof. B. Pernici
Optimization shell for ILDJIT Optimization Simone Campanoni
Register-Memory Synchronization for ILDJIT Compilers Simone Campanoni
Installation Tool for ILDJIT GUI Install tool Simone Campanoni
XanLib development Containers library Simone Campanoni
Graphical Profiler for .NET VM GUI profiler tool Simone Campanoni
MIPD Profile for Jelatine Palmtop software Giovanni Agosta
Logic Synthesis Software re-engineering Giovanni Agosta, Gerardo Pelosi
Optimization of resource allocation for web applications in autonomic systems Optimization algorithms Danilo Ardagna
Data recovery tools Forensic Giovanni Agosta, Alessandro Barenghi
Game Scripting Computer Games Giovanni Agosta, Alessandro Barenghi
Functional Processor Simulation HW Architectures Giovanni Agosta
J2ME MIDP Profile for Jelatine J2ME Giovanni Agosta
Web Applications AJAX Giovanni Agosta
HTML 2 Wiki Converter Bison/Flex Giovanni Agosta

Lista completa dei progetti

In questa lista, i progetti compaiono a partire dagli inserimenti più recenti.

MIPD profile for Jelatine

Jelatine is a Java virtual machine for very small memory embedded system. It is free software, written entirely in portable ANSI C.

This project aims at the implementation of the MIDP profile (and especially the user interface for a palmtop device) for Jelatine. The target architecture may be chosen freely – though the Internet Tablet OS (a.k.a. Nokia 770's Linux) and PalmOS are recommended.

The project is suitable for one to three students (the amount of support for the MIPD specification will vary depending on the manpower).

Shared Memory for ILDJIT

ILDJIT is a free software implementation of the .NET framework for Linux, under development in the Formal Languages and Compiler Group. It currently uses RPC to implement distributed code optimization servers.

The goal of the project is to migrate the system to a Shared Memory implementation.

The project is suitable for 2 students. The ILDJIT system is entirely written in ANSI C.

The contact person for this project is ILDJIT lead developer, Simone Campanoni.

This project is not available anymore

· 2007/10/12 10:21 · Giovanni Agosta
teaching/projects.txt · Last modified: 2010/03/04 11:32 by agosta
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